

Friday, March 23, 2012


                                  ARTE DE MESOPOTAMIA
Mesopotamia significa en griego "entre ríos". La región así denominada abarcaba inicialmente los territorios comprendidos entre los ríos Tigris y Eufrates. En la actualidad comprende a Iraq y el este de Siria. La abundancia de agua creó una gran riqueza natural, hasta el punto de que, según la Biblia, estuvo allí localizado el Paraíso. El neolítico pronto alcanzó un gran desarrollo en Mesopotamia, con asentamientos urbanos importantes, como Eridu o Uruk (desde el año 3.750 a.c.). En esta ciudad comenzó, muy probablemente, un sistema complejo de escritura. 
         The Sumerians were hunters and gatherers before they learned how to farm crops. There is no exact date as to when they learned to farm, but it is estimated to be between 2900 and 2800 BCE. In the beginning of their agricultural lifestyles, hunting as the major provider of food. They used spear-like weapons, bows, axes, and maces when hunting. They had knives of course, and the knives were usually used to finish off the animal, or to skin it. The hides of all animals hunted were used for either clothing, or shelter. After the kill had been skinned, the women would stitch together and alter the hides as needed. Of course in order to use the meat that was given to the women to cook, they needed a source of heat to cook it. The Sumerians developed the first kiln, and then developed smaller oven-like structures to cook and prepare the meat for meals.                         

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