The classic movie , THE SIMPSONS MOVIE , is about Homer making the biggest mistake of his life. I think the director, David Silverman, is a good director that understands the comedy of a children and adults. The main characters of this movie are Homer, Marge, Lisa , Bart and Maggie. There is a pig that was in the Krusty Burger, and Homer was eating a burger, and the pig just ran in front of him, Homer imagined he was playing with the pig, and brought him home. First, he called him Spider Pig, then he called him Harry Popper.
The problem was that Homer dunked a barrel huge of pig poop in the lake , and the lake was polluted.
This movie is a hilarious movie . When the movie is on DVD I will buy it . I really laughed at the beginning when Homer sings, Spider Pig , and puts the pig on the ceiling . This movie is a PG-13 movie , but it is still a very decent movie .
By Stephanie
hey Stephanie i like your review your movie review desrves 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 points too is it the movie fuuny i like the part when Homer sings Spider Pig and then he thells Marge hes not Spider Pig any more hes Harry Popper.
Stephanie if you are riding this well that the comment you send to the hcc (hallowen costum contes) is realy funny i cant belive you wrout that but now i do belive lol!!!!!!
the simpsons movie is an awsome movie i like the part when spider pig was in the wall and spider tracks with mud ,
It was so cooool that i want to reed it all again
this movie review is great it deserbes 5 stars.
hey Stephanie its me again cindy i wanted to thell you if you wanted the pasword of the fun brain thell me in person ok.
your friend cindy
stephanie your movie review is really great you should write more movie reviews.
your friend
i lovw that movie
I think the simpsons movie is so awsome
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