

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Welcome, Bienvenidos

Greetings Tyrrell Students. Here is the very first Tyrrell School Blog, where students can post their writing, comment on school happenings, inform other students of upcoming events, post photos of your field trips and more. I am Mr. Nieto, and I will be monitoring this Blog. I can't wait to see what you post.

Saludos alumnos de Tyrrell! Aqui tenemos el primer Blog de la escuela Tyrrell. Aqui podras exponer tu escritura, comentar sobre la vida escolar de Tyrrell, Dar tus opiniones, informar a todos de acontecimientos importantes, y publicar las fotos de tus paseos con tu clase. Yo soy el maestro Francisco Nieto, y estaré revisando y manteniendo este BLOG. No puedo esperar a ver que deciden publicar.


Room 4 Student said...

Today there was body found on the freeway. There was a lot of traffic and a lot of teachers were late for work.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I was almost 10 minutes late.

Anonymous said...

Wow, our first Tyrrell Blog, this is exciting students, great movie reviews, only thing missing is a report on your handsome principal!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Nieto, I really enjoyed reading your Dragon BLog, the movie reviews and the fables, I am going to write a fable also and your can help me put it on the Blog, this is like having our Tyrrell Newspaper on line!
Please congratulate your class, Mr. Manson.

Anonymous said...

finlandtitle phone scos maggiore amici directorarts biochemical hiebert enforced favour kleinberg
lolikneri havaqatsu

Anonymous said...

well good!